Orical Command Panel window

For the final piece of my application, I made made the Orical Command Panel window. This window is the equivalent to the home screen of a browser. Once the user opens the application, this will be the first window to appear. The user can then either select Add Fishing Log to add fishing historical fishing experiences. Second, the user can select Lure Forecast where the user can enter the fishing conditions they expect so the application can predict, based on the historical data entered by the user, the top 3 performing lures. This will allow for a more seamless experience, and help tie all the windows, options and data together so everything can be a better experience for the user. I have collected what I thought would be enough of a sample data from my self and other seasons fisherman. However the end result is, due to the bad weather in the past few months and due to my current algorithm implemented, the sample data isn't sufficient for meaningful lure predictions to be made. This is something that I plan to patch by inflating the sample data, which will allow for testing. My plan is over the summer to collect as much fishing data as possible so a more reliable, consistent data set can be retained, and more precise fishing predictions to be made. 


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