Lure Orical - Conclution
In conclusion, after completing my final project, I have had some time to reflect on the process, challenges and results.
The Process to design my Fishing Lure Orical application was to write something that I would use for my self. I felt that if I wrote something to satisfy a need that I, myself had, then other people would find it beneficial as well. I feel that the process of my thinking, how I choose to design the layout and the functionality of the application was close to spot on. It is easy to say that however, with myself being the target user. However, after speaking to several avid fisherman, they feel that this application would be something that will benefit them as well.
In regards to the challenges of my project, I would say the 2 biggest challenges was gathering a large enough sample size and designing an algorithm that met not only my personal requirements, but the class requirements as well. The algorithm I choose could be viewed as simplistic, however at the time I felt that being simple would be cleaner and less error prone.
For the outcome or results of my project, I feel that the user interface is flawless and very appealing to the eye. The options and functionaility is sufficent but not overwhelming, and there is no need to dig for an option that your looking for. In regards to the Lure Suggestion portion of my application, I have not had enough time to try it over a long period of time. However the time where I did take the advice provided by the Fishing Orical, I was able to hook a fish in the first 5 minuets all 4 times. This was very satisfying to me, and it makes me feel like I produced something not just to satisfy a requirmenet for a class, but to satisfy a need by a large population of Americans.
Finally, for the topic of "What would I do differently", I would say I wish I would have experiemted with several decition tree algarthms, and not just stuck with the first one that satisfied my requireed specifications. The issue of a lack of a data set could have been mitigated by a more safasticated AI algarthm chosen.
In conclusion, I am very satisfied with the outcome of my project. I feel that the amount of work I put into it was plentiful, the application works exactly as desired. Most importantly however, I built something that was able to fill a need that I have. That is what is most satisfying about this project, the idea that I had a need, and I was able to produce a solution with thought and research. That makes me feel like all the struggle and time invested payed off in the end. I learned so much about AI algorithms, search strategies as well as decision trees. This class as a whole has thought be so much, and this project was something that not only I will remember for the experience, but I will remember because I have something to show for it. 😁
The Process to design my Fishing Lure Orical application was to write something that I would use for my self. I felt that if I wrote something to satisfy a need that I, myself had, then other people would find it beneficial as well. I feel that the process of my thinking, how I choose to design the layout and the functionality of the application was close to spot on. It is easy to say that however, with myself being the target user. However, after speaking to several avid fisherman, they feel that this application would be something that will benefit them as well.
In regards to the challenges of my project, I would say the 2 biggest challenges was gathering a large enough sample size and designing an algorithm that met not only my personal requirements, but the class requirements as well. The algorithm I choose could be viewed as simplistic, however at the time I felt that being simple would be cleaner and less error prone.
For the outcome or results of my project, I feel that the user interface is flawless and very appealing to the eye. The options and functionaility is sufficent but not overwhelming, and there is no need to dig for an option that your looking for. In regards to the Lure Suggestion portion of my application, I have not had enough time to try it over a long period of time. However the time where I did take the advice provided by the Fishing Orical, I was able to hook a fish in the first 5 minuets all 4 times. This was very satisfying to me, and it makes me feel like I produced something not just to satisfy a requirmenet for a class, but to satisfy a need by a large population of Americans.
Finally, for the topic of "What would I do differently", I would say I wish I would have experiemted with several decition tree algarthms, and not just stuck with the first one that satisfied my requireed specifications. The issue of a lack of a data set could have been mitigated by a more safasticated AI algarthm chosen.
In conclusion, I am very satisfied with the outcome of my project. I feel that the amount of work I put into it was plentiful, the application works exactly as desired. Most importantly however, I built something that was able to fill a need that I have. That is what is most satisfying about this project, the idea that I had a need, and I was able to produce a solution with thought and research. That makes me feel like all the struggle and time invested payed off in the end. I learned so much about AI algorithms, search strategies as well as decision trees. This class as a whole has thought be so much, and this project was something that not only I will remember for the experience, but I will remember because I have something to show for it. 😁
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