Project Update
To help solve the problem of lacking data, I have enlisted several seasoned fisherman to help log their catches and send me the relevant data. This has helped some what, however just as with most data mining, there's never truly ENOUGH data. At this point I am at 10 ACTUAL logged fish catches. This is defined as, a fish was caught this year using the defined specifications (must be fished from shore, using the same lure for less than 5 minutes, ext) and all relevant data was captured. The main reason for the lack of successful fish capture data points is the weather. It has been unseasonably cold this year, and especially due to the recent blizzard a few weeks ago, fishing has became very difficult. The only "reasonable" way to solve this issue by the dead line is to use historical data from last year. This data would be coming from pictures of fish caught by my self last year, which I can remember the lure and conditions which the fish was caught in. I feel that this method will not 100% solve the lack of data problem, but will provide a patch to the problem long enough for the AI platform to be built. If all else fails, I can always resort to creating false data to inflate the numbers to realistic conditions. However, I personally feel that this should be a last resort. More to come in the following days!
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