Current Conditions window

For final section of my project, user will be able to select an option to allow for the application to suggest lure based on the current conditions. The user will be promoted to enter Air Tempature, Wind Speed, Sky Conditions, and Water Clarity. For Air Tempature, the options will be: "Less Than 60", "60 - 75" and "< 75". For the Sky Conditions field, the options to select will be: "Clear", "Cloudy", "Rain/Mist". For the Wind Speed field, the options the user will be able to select will be: "Calm", "Moderate" and "Windy". For the final section Water Clarity, the options the user will be able to select will be: "Dirty", "Visible > 3 feet", "Clean".

Once the user has completed these 4 fields, they will be able to submit this information. The application will then find previous historical fishing experiences that match the provided criteria and select the 3 best lures. More to come on this final section!


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